Payment Info

Payment Methods

Bank Transfer/Deposit, Money Order/Check, FedEx C.O.D/Crypto/E-mail pay.

Bank Transfer / Bank Deposit / Wire Transfer
This option is also on most banking apps or online banking website.
Follow further instructions at checkout.

Note: If using your Banks Billpay this will take longer avg 3-5 days.

FedEx C.O.D

Only available for established accounts.
Choose any FedEx option for shipping with payment option FedEx C.O.D.
FedEx delivery driver will only accept secured Money Orders.
After placing your order, we will send you an E-mail to confirm this payment method.
If we do not receive a reply back, your order will be canceled.

Money Order/Crypto/E-mail pay

Please follow instructions at checkout page.

If you need any help at all, please contact us